Photography courses by josefien hoekstra
Learn from a passionate creative professional with over 10 years of experience. Josefien Hoekstra teaches lighting, colour, retouching, creative process and more.
Join a Masterclass now to get started on your creative journey!

About Me
A lifelong Passion
Photography has been my passion since I was able to use a (digital) camera. I started taking pictures of flowers and my cats, in and around the garden. Soon after, I started using my sister as a model. We styled her in the most outrageous outfits and applied crazy make-up. It ignited something in me.
My Courses

Read experiences from others
I keep no secrets from my students
10+ years of experience
Professional Brand Ambassador

Why learn from me?
I have taught many workshops and given many lectures about the use of light and colour in portrait photography.
Creative voice
Finding your way can be challenging. I help people find their own style and define their creative voice by giving them the tools and inspiration to think outside the box.